Puffy eyes 10 Ways to Eliminate
Puffy Eye Remedies:
Okay girls before you read on i found the best thing for puffy eyes are these special pads enriched with vitamins and antioxidents that work wonders - from what I've seen they work the best. I've included in this paragraph links to find eye pads and also home remedy links at Amazon.com eye products as well. Don't forget to check out the video on Redheadedtrip.com
1. Lightly press a cold metal surface against the puffy part of your eyes for about 60 seconds this works best when using a using a metal spoon that has been soaked in ice water.
3. Eyes that are sore, tired and puffy can also be rejuvenated with thin cucumber slices kept fresh in cold water and placed over the closed eyes as a compress (yes I know it sounds pre-Madonna but even that's okay once in a while).
4. Tea is a great way to remove puffiness as well. Make sure two tea bags are thoroughly wetted with cold water and then place them on your eyes for about 10 minutes. You can press from the inner to the outer corner of the eye if you choose. Although tea with caffeine causes the blood vessels to constrict thereby reducing the swelling you can use any type of tea as teas are full of antioxidants.
5. Excess salt causes your body to hold fluids, so you need to stay away salty foods period - no good can come from them.
Read 6 thru 10 @ RedHeadedTrip.com