Friday, October 31, 2008

Christy Hemme-One Tough Pretty Red Head

Christina Lee "Christy" Hemme (born October 28, 1980) is an American actress, singer, model, and professional wrestling valet. Hemme is currently signed to Total Nonstop Action Wrestling

View her videos at

Top 5 Mistakes You're Making in Not Finding Mr. Right

Finding a date-worthy man is tough, but you could be making it harder on yourself. Here, five common goofs.
By Jennifer Benjamin Cosmopolitan

You're hot, you're fun, you have a cool job and a big circle of friends — in other words, you're the whole package. Then why the hell can't you meet a guy? "Often, women subconsciously give off 'keep away' signals," says psychotherapist Rhonda Findling, author of The Dating Cure. Well, we've pinpointed some of the mistakes you might be making and found ways for you to remedy the situation ASAP.

You hang with a big group of girls.
When going on a manhunt, you may feel better bringing backup. Problem is, surrounding yourself with a posse makes you unapproachable. "It's intimidating for a guy," says Findling. "He's afraid of being rejected in front of an audience." To make yourself available, go out with just one wingwoman or separate from the crew and work the room solo.

You always hit the same places
How many times have you found yourself saying, "Ugh, there are no cute guys here"? And yet, the following week, you're back at the same bar, with the same people, saying the same thing. "Well, if you want to find a great catch, you should venture outside of your comfort zone," says New York City psychologist and life coach Janice D. Bennett, PhD. The next time a pal invites you to a film class or suggests you hit karaoke night at some dive, give it a shot.

You give some guys the cold shoulder
When you're eyeing a sexy stud and some so-so dude starts chatting you up, you're probably tempted to blow him off. But that could backfire. "If the object of your affection sees you acting rudely, he'll move on to a girl who isn't as bitchy," warns Findling. Not only that, but the B-list boy could actually turn out to be cool. So unless he acts like a sleaze, give the guy a break and talk to him. If he still leaves you cold, politely excuse yourself and move on.

You refuse to be set up
You whine about how hard it is to meet a man, yet you veto any friend who tries to hook you up and you won't even try online dating. "You need to open yourself up to any opportunity," says Bennett. "Spread the word that you want to be set up." And at least log on to a dating site and see who's out there. If you click with a guy, great; if not, you don't even have to endure a bad blind date.

The last one is the best finishing reading the tip here at MSN Lifestyle.....

More tips, want to see what the Beautiful Red Head Celebs are wearing?? Come see

Monday, October 27, 2008

Marcia Anne Cross-Hot Red Head Celeb

Marcia Anne Cross (born March 25, 1962 in Marlborough, Massachusetts) is an Emmy and Golden Globe Award-nominated American actress. She graduated from Juilliard and earned a master's degree in psychology at Antioch University in Los Angeles. In 2005 she was nominated for her first Emmy for her work as Bree Van de Kamp on Desperate Housewives. In December of 2005, Cross garnered her second consecutive nomination for the Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Comedy Series with the show.

Marcia Anne Cross Video Compilations.....

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Celebrity Beauty Dos and Don'ts

Fess up: We’re all guilty of a few beauty DON’Ts (hello, crimped hair in seventh grade?). To make sure your beauty history has more hits than misses, watch out for these easy-to-make mistakes. After all, as these celebrities prove, there’s a fine line between sexy and scary.

DON’T let your headband cover up your pretty face.

Unless you’re playing a hippie at Halloween, wearing a headband on your forehead is a major DON’T.

See the more of the "What to Do" by Glamour Magazine...

Friday, October 24, 2008

Top 3 Ways to Embrace Solitude by Brad Paul

Being alone can be painful. It can also be blissful.

It all depends on your level of personal development in this area. A joyful state when you’re alone is attainable. And it is a very worthwhile pursuit.

Once you learn how to be alone you will no long be chained to the desperate need to keep a person in your life even though the relationship is bad for you. Whether the person is a lover, a marriage partner, a friend, or even a family member what good is it if the relationship brings you pain and lower self-esteem? If you can’t bare the thought of being alone you will always be in a position of weakness in your relationships. However, once you learn how to be alone and truly enjoy it you’ll be able to negotiate your relationships from a position of strength knowing that you can end it and be okay.

We all experience moments of intense loneliness. We initially experience this when we are left alone for the first time as children. As we develop and grow we learn not to fear being alone. Nevertheless, there times when we face feelings of loneliness. These times can be extremely difficult at first.

Transitions in adulthood can bring on powerful feelings of loneliness. When we break up, get a divorce, or a partner dies we are suddenly alone. Before this event, we grew to rely on their companionship. We knew that during almost every evening, weekend, and holiday we would have someone to share it with. The sad feelings that you experience can be the same when a close friendship ends.

If your break up or divorce was preceded by months of tension, the separation might come as a relief initially. After a few nights and weekends alone, however, the relief can turn into desperation about being alone. It is at this point where profound growth is possible. You can use the pain of the break up and the loneliness to move yourself past the sometimes terrifying feelings of facing the future alone! Once you breakthrough and find your strength, which is present in you right now, you’ll experience a whole new world of personal power and freedom.
“I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.”

“I lived in solitude in the country and noticed how the monotony of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.”

-Albert Einstein

In his insightful book “Intimate Connections - The Clinically Proven Method for Making Close Friends and Finding a Loving Partner” Dr. David Burns talks about the importance of learning how to enjoy being alone. He says that a person ability to have healthy relationship is in direct proportion to their ability to be alone.

If a person is comfortable being alone, they are in a position of power and not neediness in a relationship. People who do not have the ability to be alone will be imprisoned if they find themselves in a toxic relationship. You can break free by learning how to be alone and truly enjoy it.

Surrender to Your Loneliness

There is something indescribably sweet about surrendering to your loneliness. On that darkest of nights, when you come face to face with yourself, true self-discovery can occur. The quietness and the realization that you are completely alone in a world full of billions of people can be chilling. But once you embrace it and surrender to your aloneness you will begin to grow right there and then. And your growth can be rapid and profound. With each new experience of being alone you will grow stronger. Eventually you will begin to enjoy your own company without a nagging need to be with another person. Once you reach this point, you’ll have the power to choose whether or not you want to spend a Saturday night alone, with a friend, or with a love interest. Your ability to choose any of these options without any worries empowers you. Then if you do chose to enter into a relationship, you’ll be able to do it from a position of strength, independence, and confidence.

How Do You Learn How to Be Alone?

Don’t fight being alone by trying to distract yourself. Don’t distract yourself by scheduling all your free time with friends. Don’t distract yourself with over indulgence of food, alcohol, drugs, television, the Internet, or video games. Just be with your loneliness until you come to terms with it. Face it head on! Deal with the feelings that come up. Stay with the discomfort until you find your way to contentment. If you are frightened, move toward your fears until they dissipate. As it is with most fears, you’ll most likely find that what you feared was only an illusion or a misunderstanding.

Embrace Being Alone

Embrace being alone by using these periods to get to know yourself on a deeper level. Perhaps on a deeper level than you have in your entire life. You can’t do this by spending a few hours alone. You need much more time. Several weekends or even an entire week’s vacation would provide a great start toward mastery of being alone.

Once you can spend a Saturday night, a weekend, or an entire vacation alone and truly enjoy it you’ve mastered yourself. You teach yourself how to enjoy your own company by treating yourself like you would a close friend or lover. You look for ways to enjoy, entertain, and please yourself. And yes, I mean the big “M.” There are benefits to learning this art as well, especially for women. Men don’t need any coaxing in this area.

Whenever I refer to the benefits of learning to be alone, I am not only talking about you but also the benefits that your lovers and friends will enjoy. These relationships will benefit because you will be able to participate in them from a position of strength and giving rather than weakness and neediness. If you can’t bare even the thought of being alone you’ll put unhealthy demands on these relationships. You will also sell yourself short because of your inability to enter and maintain these relationships from a position of strength and confidence.

Use periods of being alone to get to know yourself. What do YOU like do on a Saturday night? Take yourself out to a fancy dinner. Make yourself a gourmet dinner at home. Have fun! Enjoy your own company. Enjoy your own humor. Laugh at yourself. Do you get the picture?

If you don’t know what you find humorous when no one else is present, find out! If you don’t know what you enjoy to do by yourself, discover it! Make it an adventure! Make it an adventure of self-discovery!

Your goal is to find peace, contentment, and confidence when you are alone whether you are at home, in crowded public space, or at table in a fine restaurant filled with couples on a Saturday night! Once you are comfortable, content, and happy in each of these situations you have mastered the art of being alone. Once this is achieved and you are able to “chose” whether you want to be in a relationship or with other people, your ability to truly love and give without fear or measure will be greatly enhanced.

Brad Paul

Copyright © Brad Paul

Website Address:

To learn more about breaking up successfully, read my article on the Solotopia website entitled, ”Breaking Up! - How to Ride the Pain to Gain.”

To learn more about toxic relationships, read my article on the Solotopia website entitled, ”Toxic Love Relationships - How to Recognize & Escape Them.”

To see the original article with graphics and links at, click: Being Alone

To see a list of all articles by category at, click: Articles by Category

Author's Bio

Brad Paul is the founder of, which provides FREE resources for being single successfully whether a person chooses to remain unattached, just date, or find a perfect partner. The goal is to help singles have a fulfilling lifestyle, great dating experiences, or a lasting relationship. At the Solotopia website you will find an abundance of free articles, advice, and tips for achieving these goals.

Brad began learning about the needs of singles as he built and led a unique, highly successful non-profit singles organization in Orange County, California. He refined his knowledge about singles as he researched and wrote books on how to find a partner who’s right for you and non-confrontational couple’s communication. Before changing careers, he headed a marketing group responsible for generating $400 million dollars in annual products sales.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Top 7 rules for ravishing red hair.

Is Red Hair for You?

The Top 7 rules for ravishing red hair.

Victoria read this some where and put it on her blog. In the process, she forgot where she discovered this great article. When she does, she will give them credit and a link.

Fiery red hair is something Hollywood has loved throughout the ages. Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Bette Midler and Diane Keaton have all been redheads. These days, dazzling and talented actors Lindsay Lohan, Debra Messing, Susan Sarandon and Kirsten Dunst (in Spider-Man) are among those who make us covet the vibrant color.

But from strawberry blonde to auburn, crimson to copper, there are so many ravishing reds available that it's difficult to know which is right for you. New York City's Wendy Bond, co-owner of Oscar Bond Salon Spa in SoHo, has these suggestions:

* The good news is that anyone can wear some shade of red. Some look natural and others don't ‑- which is okay, if that's the look you're going for. The key is to learn which works best for you and then adjust your makeup ‑ especially your lipstick ‑- accordingly.
* "Keep in mind, blue-red or red-red hair color doesn't exist in nature," says Bond. "People can wear those hues, and they can be very flattering; however, they will never look natural. All reds that are natural for people are red-orange tones. So if you want hair color that looks natural, go with a red-orange shade ranging from the palest golden strawberry or copper to the most intense red-orange."
* When it comes to discussing reds with your stylist, Bond recommends communicating through photographs because people often have different ideas about what a copper, strawberry or auburn shade is. A photo ensures that you're speaking the same language.
* Next, you need to consider both the level and the tone of the color, says Bond. That applies whether you're talking about reds, blondes or brunettes. "The level describes the lightness versus darkness of the color," she explains, "while the tone is what you're seeing reflected in the color."
* Once you and your colorist are on the same page, you need to think about your entire image before proceeding. For example, wearing a certain shade might require a complete change in makeup. If you're willing to do that, go for it. Just consider the cost, and make sure you get a makeup consultation and lesson from the salon before leaving.
* Finally, know that red hair color fades faster than other shades because the red color molecule is the largest, making it the most difficult for the hair shaft to hold on to. "The key to long-term success is to use a shampoo and conditioner especially formulated to preserve red hair color from day one," says Bond. She recommends Goldwell's Stay Red series, available at salons like Oscar Bond. (For a retailer near you, visit "The mistake many people make is to wait till the hair color starts to fade and then try to revive it," notes Bond. "You'll be much happier if you maintain your new red from the first day you wear it home."
* Another way to ensure that your red lasts is to ask your colorist about the color she uses, says Bond. She loves Goldwell's Elumen, which she says is longer lasting than traditional color and doesn't cause damage because it attaches to the hair with a magnetic charge.

Top 3 Foods for Anti-Aging and Weight Loss

In this video Dr. Nicholas Perricone, author of The Perricone Weight-Loss Diet: A Simple 3-Part Plan to Lose the Fat, the Wrinkles, and the Years, talks with James Michael Tyler about micro inflammation and weight gain, and the top three foods for weight loss and anti-aging.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

** Relationship Tip of the Day by Linda Binns **

**Simply Stop Complaining **
When we stop complaining, it frees up our energy to focus not only on what we want, but what we already have that we are grateful for. I promise you, if you do this on a regular basis, you really will find that you'll start to attract more positive people and experiences into your life -- more to be grateful for.

Once you find that you can go for a full day without complaining, then try for two days, then three, and so on, until you can stop complaining altogether. Does one day sound like too much to start with? Then instead of complaining about it, try for just one hour.

If you catch yourself complaining, then just start the clock all over again. Don't give up; keep trying. You'll find that it's well worth it.

Go here to read the rest of the article, "Stop Complaining! It's Not Good for You."

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Gemma Arterton-New James Bond Girl

New James Bond Girl Quantum of Solace
Gemma Arterton

Gemma Christina Arterton (born January 1986, in Gravesend, Kent) is an English actress. Arterton appears in a number of forthcoming film and television productions, including the next James Bond film, Quantum of Solace.

See more of Gemma and The Pretty Women Red Head Celebs Videos.

See more videos of Red Haired Actresses.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Nikki Cox-Red Hair Women Celebs

Nicole Avery "Nikki" Cox (born June 2, 1978) is an American actress known mostly for her roles on the television series Unhappily Ever After and Las Vegas.

View her video compilations at

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Red Head Women Celebs-Phoebe Price

After getting her start as an international actress and model (in such cities as Capetown. S.A. Athens,Greece and Milan, Italy) Phoebe moved on to hosting a television show and has recently finished several films, "Survival of the Fittest" the Alex Melli Helmed "Horse Trader", "Eye of Truth and "Lost in Transit', "Shoot Me".

Phoebe Price videos

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Shirley Ann Manson-Red Head Celeb Videos

Shirley Ann Manson (born August 26, 1966) is a Scottish musician, actress, and the lead vocalist of the band Garbage.

She began her career in Edinburgh in the early 1980s, most notably performing backing vocals and keyboards for local band Goodbye Mr. Mackenzie before fronting side-project Angelfish while signed as a solo artist. Having seen Manson in an Angelfish video on MTV, Garbage invited Manson to record with them as the band's lead singer.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Susan Sarandon Pretty Baby Boomer Red Head Videos of Her Career

Susan Sarandon (born October 4, 1946) is an American actress. She has worked in films and television since 1970, and won an Oscar for her performance in the 1995 film, Dead Man Walking. She is also noted for her social and political activism for a variety of liberal causes.

Susan Sarandon Videos
From excerpts from her movies to her speeech addressing over 500,000 Americans and their allies at the United for Peace and Justice demonstration against the current Iraq war and troop "surge", in Washington, D.C., on January 27, 2007.

Sexy is on the way out??

Being Over Sexy… On The Way Out?

Could talk of recession have caused a shift away from over-the-top opulence toward a simpler style? Ladylike fashions, elegant hair, and classic makeup ruled fall runways. And voilà — Estée Lauder’s new soft, universally appealing scent, Sensuous, launching this month, quite literally hits the trend on the nose. MSN asked two women tapped as faces of the fragrance and a few other style front liners what sexy means to them.

40s: Ladylike Looks Right

Fashion this season was polished, put together, and utterly grown-up, a trend that looks effortless on women over 40. Elizabeth Hurley, who at age 43 just took her first twirl in überclassic designer Oscar de la Renta, is the perfect example. She’s clearly enjoying the peace of mind and privilege that come with age. To hear her tell it, it’s only after you’ve established yourself in your career, gotten married, had a baby, and swapped the safety-pinned, skin-baring Versace dress for a more modest and luxurious sari that the fun really begins.

50+: Keep It Classic

Sensuality should be something that draws people in rather than something that jumps out at them,” says Estée Lauder perfumer Karyn Khoury, who created Sensuous. “It’s about draped rather than fitted fabric.” The fall collection from Michael Kors exemplified this idea. Though they always reflect jet-set style, the clothes were more feminine and refined than ever this season. Backstage, makeup artist Dick Page created a look inspired by Hitchcock blondes, with just-bitten lips and dewy skin. “I used a bit of bronzer on cheeks and a soft rose crayon to stain the lips,” he says. “It’s very simple, elegant, and subdued; nothing is overdone.” To get the stained look with lipstick, press a true red shade into lips using your fingertip rather than a brush.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Red Head Women Makeup Tip

Makeup tip from one of our red head readers

I have red hair, freckles and green eyes - nerds disaster I thought until I had professional make-up done. They told me the best thing for my hair colour is not to use much foundation, just a little tranluscent powder.

Violet colours, pinks, purples, and orchid blues for eyeshadow, and light glosses for lips. Everyday I wear a little foundation, light coloured shadow, no blush and heaps of mascara to my top lashes. Also with your light skin (I have that too) always use SPF! Enhance your freckles!!

Beautiful Red Hair Celebrities....

Puffy Eyes in the Morning 10 Ways to Get Rid of Them

Puffy eyes 10 Ways to Eliminate

Puffy eyes can be caused by a number of reasons; crying, lack of sleep, allergies, drinking, and swimming just to name a few. Just as there are a number of things that can cause puffy eyes, there are a number of remedies that can be found as well with eye products

Puffy Eye Remedies:

Okay girls before you read on i found the best thing for puffy eyes are these special pads enriched with vitamins and antioxidents that work wonders - from what I've seen they work the best. I've included in this paragraph links to find eye pads and also home remedy links at eye products as well. Don't forget to check out the video on

1. Lightly press a cold metal surface against the puffy part of your eyes for about 60 seconds this works best when using a using a metal spoon that has been soaked in ice water.

3. Eyes that are sore, tired and puffy can also be rejuvenated with thin cucumber slices kept fresh in cold water and placed over the closed eyes as a compress (yes I know it sounds pre-Madonna but even that's okay once in a while).

4. Tea is a great way to remove puffiness as well. Make sure two tea bags are thoroughly wetted with cold water and then place them on your eyes for about 10 minutes. You can press from the inner to the outer corner of the eye if you choose. Although tea with caffeine causes the blood vessels to constrict thereby reducing the swelling you can use any type of tea as teas are full of antioxidants.

5. Excess salt causes your body to hold fluids, so you need to stay away salty foods period - no good can come from them.

Read 6 thru 10 @