Christina Lee "Christy" Hemme (born October 28, 1980) is an American actress, singer, model, and professional wrestling valet. Hemme is currently signed to Total Nonstop Action Wrestling
View her videos at Redheadedtrip.com
Articles on Beauty Tips, Videos on Red Hair Celebrities and the Red Headed Trip, Victoria,her views as a red head.
You're hot, you're fun, you have a cool job and a big circle of friends — in other words, you're the whole package. Then why the hell can't you meet a guy? "Often, women subconsciously give off 'keep away' signals," says psychotherapist Rhonda Findling, author of The Dating Cure. Well, we've pinpointed some of the mistakes you might be making and found ways for you to remedy the situation ASAP.
You hang with a big group of girls.
When going on a manhunt, you may feel better bringing backup. Problem is, surrounding yourself with a posse makes you unapproachable. "It's intimidating for a guy," says Findling. "He's afraid of being rejected in front of an audience." To make yourself available, go out with just one wingwoman or separate from the crew and work the room solo.
You always hit the same places
How many times have you found yourself saying, "Ugh, there are no cute guys here"? And yet, the following week, you're back at the same bar, with the same people, saying the same thing. "Well, if you want to find a great catch, you should venture outside of your comfort zone," says New York City psychologist and life coach Janice D. Bennett, PhD. The next time a pal invites you to a film class or suggests you hit karaoke night at some dive, give it a shot.
You give some guys the cold shoulder
When you're eyeing a sexy stud and some so-so dude starts chatting you up, you're probably tempted to blow him off. But that could backfire. "If the object of your affection sees you acting rudely, he'll move on to a girl who isn't as bitchy," warns Findling. Not only that, but the B-list boy could actually turn out to be cool. So unless he acts like a sleaze, give the guy a break and talk to him. If he still leaves you cold, politely excuse yourself and move on.
You refuse to be set up
You whine about how hard it is to meet a man, yet you veto any friend who tries to hook you up and you won't even try online dating. "You need to open yourself up to any opportunity," says Bennett. "Spread the word that you want to be set up." And at least log on to a dating site and see who's out there. If you click with a guy, great; if not, you don't even have to endure a bad blind date.
Brad Paul is the founder of Solotopia.com, which provides FREE resources for being single successfully whether a person chooses to remain unattached, just date, or find a perfect partner. The goal is to help singles have a fulfilling lifestyle, great dating experiences, or a lasting relationship. At the Solotopia website you will find an abundance of free articles, advice, and tips for achieving these goals.
Brad began learning about the needs of singles as he built and led a unique, highly successful non-profit singles organization in Orange County, California. He refined his knowledge about singles as he researched and wrote books on how to find a partner who’s right for you and non-confrontational couple’s communication. Before changing careers, he headed a marketing group responsible for generating $400 million dollars in annual products sales.
3. Eyes that are sore, tired and puffy can also be rejuvenated with thin cucumber slices kept fresh in cold water and placed over the closed eyes as a compress (yes I know it sounds pre-Madonna but even that's okay once in a while).
4. Tea is a great way to remove puffiness as well. Make sure two tea bags are thoroughly wetted with cold water and then place them on your eyes for about 10 minutes. You can press from the inner to the outer corner of the eye if you choose. Although tea with caffeine causes the blood vessels to constrict thereby reducing the swelling you can use any type of tea as teas are full of antioxidants.
5. Excess salt causes your body to hold fluids, so you need to stay away salty foods period - no good can come from them.
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